Category: Prototype Locations
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Vintage Santa Fe in San Diego

Recently while browsing my photo collection I found a vintage photo, dated July 1967.

Noting the location, a Southeast view from the west station platform of the Santa Fe Depot in San Diego, looking at the San Diego electric plant, I went looking for some of my own photos in the same location.

This photo was taken July 30th 2005, and shows the electric plant as an empty core of a building, waiting for its fate.

I then reached out to my freind and current co-worker Donovan for a more recent photo, shown here. As you can see the core of the electric plant was saved and is now the facade of a massive residential skyscraper!

Now for the best photo! 1967 of course. Unknown photographer, it's not marked in any way other than the date at the bottom.

I really enjoy these articles showing the same location through the years and railroads, and hope to eventually bring you more.