Category: Layout Construction
Hits: 1118

Basic Operation Set-up Styles

Point to point, loop, ect.

There's a few layout set-up's that relate to how you operate it.  Here are the basics:

Point to Point
Point to point layouts are usually set up to model a section, or division of a prototype.  They are sometimes referred to as staging to staging layouts, though not always will they have staging.  Point to point operations usually concern running one train from one end to the opposite.

Loop to Loop
Similar to the previous, though this time there's a loop at either end where the trains turns around to return.  Common styles include dog bone, or L dog bones.  Usually operated in loop fashion where you can allow the train to run, but can be "converted" to point to point.

The everlasting loop.  Set your train and watch it roll.  Very common for small oval shaped layouts, and traveling show layouts.  Not geared well towards operations, usually used for viewing pleasure.

Switching layouts can take shape in many ways.  They can also be incorporated into other designs, such as adding an industrial area to a point to point, or loop layout.  They can be on their own also.  Switching layouts can be simple, or a "mind game" such as John Gorre's time saver.  I'd suggest reading into the time saver, as it's a great stand alone layout focused on switching.

Books on the subject
Model Railroading With John Allen
Compact Layout Design (Layout Design and Planning)
How To Design A Small Switching Layout

©2008/2020, Josh Baakko,