Category: Sponsored Product Reviews
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Sponsored Product Review: Pro Tech Signal

Pro Tech Sponsored Product Review

Charlie from Pro Tech was generous enough to send me four product samples for review/use.
This is the first of four reviews.

My sample signal came boxed in a clear plastic case to prevent any damage while shipping.
As far as I know all Pro Tech signals are shipped this way. I requested the 3 light signal
(PTMR 11), however searchlight signals are also available. They're also available for N

All signals are dummy (I.E. no working lighting), and show clear. The signal is constructed of
metal, and comes painted in a nice shiny sliver with a black signal head. The metal
construction is nice, being very robust to bumping or dropping (the later of which I accidentally

I wanted mine to look older, and slightly weathered, so I painted it with Testors Dullcote. I
plan to add some small touches of rust later on.

I placed mine on my home layout, and since it was a dummy, have it facing away from the
operator. It protects the short passing/switching siding on my layout.

My only concern is the price point. The signals are priced anywhere from $18.75 to $23.75.
While not a bad price, considering a comparable signal from BLMA would be $35 and up, I
have seen cheaper. While surfing Reed's Hobbies in La Mesa, I noticed a lit signal from
Model Power, for $6. Granted, the Model Power signal is a bit chunky on the details...

I'll give this product a 4.5 out of 5, due to the price point, even though I tend to agree the Pro
Tech signals are very robust.

© 2010, 2019, Josh Baakko,