Category: Sponsored Product Reviews
Hits: 989

Monster Modelworks, Monster Nailer

$10...  What a deal!  The Monster Nailer is a simple tool, with two sharp points at one end, and a single point at the other.  It's advertised as a tool to add nail holes & knot holes to wood kits, such as craftsman structure kits.  It can also be used as a glue applicator.

I recently picked up a nailer from Jimmy, and acquired an old Campbell wood station kit from Richard Bale (MRH news editor).  I got to assembling the small outhouse, testing the nailer by adding horizontal lines of nail holes to the vertical siding.

I simply penciled on a line, then used the two hole end to poke some indentations into the siding.  I then assembled the kit, and sprayed it with Model Master Light Ivory.

Nail holes in rows across the boards.

Check out Monster Modelworks here:

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