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The Birth of a Slogan

The story behind Model Railroad Tips' new slogan

Once & a while I make small changes to Model Railroad Tips. This week saw none the less [Ed. originally published August 15th 2011], the most subtle, but intriguing change. This article was originally intended to go with the September Newsletter, but I've decided to save that space for something more train related, hence the "Lets get back to trains..."

As you can see the old red text saying "Online & PDF Articles" is gone, now replaced by "Lets get back to trains..."

This little slogan came to mind a few weeks back. I was slightly annoyed by the large red text, and intended to replace it, and I was busy pre-planning a train day for myself. My local NMRA division (San Diego Division) was hosting it's summer meet, and it got me to working on some stuff to bring for a show & tell.

With all the resurgence in Model Railroad related publications, including Model Railroad Hobbyist's great digital magazine, and the amazing podcasts, Model Rail Cast & The Scotty Mason Show, it's easy to get completely lost in the intake of information and completely loose track or your own goals! I know, as I will spend days at a time reading the various Magazines, and listening to podcasts, not to mention keeping track of Model Railroad Tips!

So what's this all about? Does this mean we're going away? NO! By no means is Model Railroad Tips going anywhere! In fact, the 2nd batch of advertising postcards were ordered today (August 14th). Model Railroad Tips will also gain a new "Payment information" page. Yes, that's right, payment for articles! Not only newsletter, but all articles (not forum posts though).

I fully support all model railroad publication ventures, Model Railroad Tips has advertised in MRH, and will do so again in the future. Right now, I'm going to try to focus on getting some authors here, and get myself re-focused on my OWN modeling!

I encourage you to do the same. Dig out a stalled, or un-started, project and chronicle your work. Submit us an article, and get paid! Maybe, just dig out a project, and use an article published here, to help finish your project. Feel the satisfaction of completing that said project. Show it off, tell your friends.

Spend some time rededicating your time to Model Railroading, try NOT to get lost in the intake of information. With our digital age, everyone's knowledge of model railroad is increased, the research needed it simplified. This does not mean you need to just stop learning, reading, listening and watching. By all means, please do. Click on advertisers, support the websites, podcasts, and magazines, and we'll continue to support you!

But, in the end, "Lets get back to trains..."
