Category: Quick Reviews
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Quick Review: ExactRail PC&F 6033 Boxcar

A general look-over of the ExactRail HO Scale PC&F 6033 Boxcar.

This is one of the BEST models I've reviewed in a long time [Ed. originally published in 2009, so this comment is current to that time frame].

ExactRail did an amazing job detailing the model. The ladders are separately attached, the door latch is pronounced, the brake platforms are etched, and the brake rigging is installed.

Trucks are up to par with some of the best, though they lack the spinning (and run away) end caps of Genesis & Kato trucks. Not sure what prompted ExactRail to make such a detailed car ans still install code 110 wheel (I wish everyone would get on board with code 88!).

The paint is crisp, and does not mask any details, and the printing looks like it was painted on, no missing spots. They even included the end printing, something which is left off of many models up to this point.

ExactRail used a scale width coupler pocket, which is a welcome addition, and improves the look of the model. Couplers are installed at gauge. They did not install air line detail (such as on Genesis models) however that's not uncommon to be left off.

My only issue to date, is the fact that car tends to want to lean. It's not too bad, and coupled to another car standing at center is not all to noticeable, but couple two together one leaning one way, one leaning the other, and you might have a problem!

However, being an RTR car, ExactRail does not include instructions to dismantle if need be.

The pronounced lean, and lack of instructions to dismantle the car, so that a modeler can correct it, leave this product with a 4 out of 5.

©2009/2020, Josh Baakko,